
The crimes gripped the usually quiet city of Perth. Thousands lined the streets to witness the funeral cortege passing to the Wellshill Cemetery on Saturday morning. On the instruction of the Procurator Fiscal, the funeral itself was private. However, it was estimated that 5000 visited the grave on the Saturday and Sunday and it had to be roped off to prevent souvenir hunters stealing the wreaths piled on it.

Funeral of Danny Kerrigan, killed in the Cuddies Strip crimes in Perth in 1935
Funeral of Danny Kerrigan, killed in the Cuddies Strio crimes in 1935

In the days following the crimes, people congregated outside the police station in such numbers traffic was often stopped.
Crowds outside Perth Police Station, Cuddies Strip crimes, Perth 1935
Crowds outside Perth police station, 1935, Cuddies Strip crimes

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